Bringing Hope Through the Life Lessons of Golf

Inspired by a man who loved to spread joy and hope through golf, The Jess Claiborne Junior Golf Foundation provides opportunities for kids interested in golf, with a keen focus on increasing diversity and inclusion in the sport.  Through your contributions, we can keep the spirit of Jess alive and make a difference in shaping the lives of our youth.


The purpose of The Jess Claiborne Junior Golf Foundation is to create opportunities for kids interested in golf and to help eliminate roadblocks that prevent their participation in the game.  We believe that kids, no matter their race or socio-economic status, should have access to learn the game and to develop strong character and integrity that will serve them throughout their lives.


Because golf is both a challenging and expensive sport, many kids are not given the opportunity to be exposed to it and do not understand what it is truly about.  Others who are highly gifted may not have the funds to pursue their dreams.


The Jess Claiborne Junior Golf Foundation will partner with and provide funds and equipment to proven, successful organizations who share our mission to teach kids golf.  We plan to give 50 percent of our funds to chapters of The First Tee, a non-profit organization that teaches children life skills and provides character education through the game of golf.  In addition, the Foundation will provide support to qualifying individuals who may need financial support to travel to USGA, Legends and AJGA tournaments.  We also will provide a limited number of college scholarships.


Founded in 2021, Jess Claiborne Junior Golf Foundation offers opportunities for youth throughout Texas to enjoy the game of golf.  We’re driven by a firm belief that golf can provide a setting for our youth to develop personal character and integrity as well as a passion for a game that can last for a lifetime.   Golf can bring families and people of all backgrounds together. 

Jess loved to share his joy of golf.  He didn't miss an opportunity to share his knowledge of the game or provide words of encouragement or plant seeds of advice on how to become a better person.

Join us in keeping that spirit alive.


Bringing Hope Through the Life Lessons of Golf


Bringing families together

Developing skills & Character

Offering opportunity for all